Today’s Date: January 28, 2025

Idyllwild Emergency was established several years ago by Mountain Disaster Preparedness as a subscriber-based information source for individuals both on and off the “Hill.” At its peak, it provided text messages regarding emergencies, road closures, and highway accidents. Providing this sort of information proved to be very labor intensive and the texting component became cost prohibitive.

A “new” Idyllwild Emergency has been resurrected and reactivated. Going forward, the site, located on the MDP platform, will provide accurate information shared by authorities during emergencies. (Wildfire, earthquake, weather and road closures effecting highways 243 and 74.)

Idyllwild Emergency will also support any emergency alert system installed by Idyllwild Fire Protection District (IFPD) and Riverside County Emergency Management Department (EMD) by posting information released by the agencies concerning the sirens, their use and the reason for their sounding.

Information will be posted on this page and can be retrieved by clicking the “current emergency info” button on the main page.

Idyllwild Emergency will collaborate with WNKI (AM 1610) in providing current and accurate information on emergencies that effect our communities.

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